Alright, I’m sorry that title is a little click baity, but I couldn’t help myself I’m just that excited!

As of this month, Hometown Industries hit over $10,000 in monthly recurring revenue!!

When Wes and I first started working on Hometown Industries part time 3 years ago this was the financial milestone that I dreamed of us hitting before we graduated college, but if I’m honest never thought we would get there before graduation.

It’s a significant number because a $10,000 a month payout is the number we both agreed would allow us to work on Hometown Industries full time and not have to get actual jobs.

On the day we released the payouts from Stripe and just under $20,000 was sitting in our business bank account, I would login to our bank accout periodically throughout the day, and stare at it completely dumb founded.

After working so hard and long on this business, looking at that number, I expected to feel a strong sense of accomplishment. But in the days that followed, I felt something much closer to just shock. Like I had gotten into a car accident or crashed my bike.

Strange as that may sound it was a good feeling.

I didn’t revel in it for very long.

I put in my two weeks notice at my then current job, and began to think about the next milestone of 20,000 in MRR.