“I’m so excited you’re here, I’ve been saving this whiskey for someone I know will appreciate it.”

      “Well I’m flattered, but I’ve decided I’m taking some time off of drinking.”

      “And why might that be? The habits of your roommates starting to alarm you?”

      “Not quite. I just wanted to take some time off. I don’t have a problem or anything.”

      “I respect that. I really do,” He said as he poured himself a full glass.

      “The first few weeks were hard, but after I passed up the opportunity the first few times, it became a bit easier.”

      “Drinking is a funny thing at our age,” He said halfway through his first. “Take this week for example. I’ve been drunk the last four days in a row, and maybe tonight we’ll make it five. Here’s the funny thing though. My old man was in a frat up at state and if he knew how much I drank this week he wouldn’t even bat an eye. But say he was the one who’d gotten piss drunk five nights in a row this week. There’d be a family intervention, and I’d think there was something seriously wrong with him.”

      “At what age does excessive drinking go from just good natured fun too irresponsible?”

      “Probably the moment you graduate college,” He said, finishing off the rest of his glass.”

      “That sounds about right. I think some people become alcoholics while in college and it’s not until after they graduate that people really recognize it as that.

      “How old were you when you had your first drink?”

      “Oh shit I don’t know. Must have been 14 maybe. However old you are that summer between 8th grade and starting high school.”

      “That young huh?”

      “Well that might be young around here, but back home I’d say that was fairly normal.”

      “You don’t think the youth drink out here in the bible belt?”

      “Oh you certainly do. The difference is that you think it’s a big deal.”

      “On behalf of all the bible belt youth, fuck you,” He said smiling.

      “How about you then? When did ya start?”



      “Not until sophomore year of college.”

      “And look at us now. The one who started at 14 is completely sober, and the one who waited till college will be drunk five nights in a row.”

      “Oh come off your high horse. I can hardly see you from down here!” He said slightly drunk now.

      “That’s the problem with the youth out here. They don’t get exposed to the vices of the world for so long, and when they finally do, they lose their freaking minds.”

      “That’s probably true,” He said looking introspectively into his now empty glass.